Download Where is the downloaded file?
Chrome Press Ctrl-J to open the list of recent downloads.
Wait for the latest download, at the top, to complete.
Click 'Show in folder' if you wish to find the folder it has been saved in.
To install click on the filename in the Chrome Ctrl-J window, or double click the installer file in the folder.
Follow the guide on the Download page for any filters you have enabled.
Firefox Press Ctrl-J to open the list of recent downloads.
Wait for the latest download, at the top, to complete.
Click the folder icon to the right of the download if you wish to find the folder it has been saved in.
To install double click on the icon to the left of the download in the Firefox Ctrl-J window, or double click the installer file in the folder.
Follow the guide on the Download page for any filters you have enabled.
Microsoft Edge - Windows default browser Press Ctrl-J to open the list of recent downloads.
Wait for the latest download, at the top, to complete.
Click 'Open folder' if you wish to find the folder it has been saved in.
To install double click on the file in the download list, or double click the installer file in the folder.
Follow the guide on the Download page for any filters you have enabled.
Email with any installation questions.